First Responder Support

There are three components of our Foundation Mission.  One component of "Serve Strong" The Corban Scott Goad Memorial Foundation is our commitment to supporting all community first responders. It is our hope to provide equipment, training, respite, supplies or comfort items, for First Responders so they may better serve their communities.

Who is considered a First Responder? 

A first responder is a person who is usually the first medically trained person to arrive at the scene of an emergency, accident, or other public safety issue. First responders are often police officers, firefighters, or EMTs.

The term “first responder” includes a firefighter, law enforcement officer, paramedic, emergency medical technician, or other individual (including an employee of a legally organized and recognized volunteer organization, whether compensated or not), who, in the course of his or her professional duties, responds to various emergency situations. 

More Info

"Serve Strong" The Corban Scott Goad Memorial Foundation is committed to supporting all community first responders. It is our hope to provide equipment, training, respite, supplies or comfort items, for First Responders so they may better serve their communities. The foundation also supports those who provide sideline medical attention to athletes in schools. Initial efforts will begin with Cumberland, Fentress and Putnam counties in rural TN, branching out to the greater Upper Cumberland region as the foundation grows in support and opportunity.

The foundation further commits to special emphasis, recognition and focus on EMS personnel who are often less recognized but who “Serve Strong” offering life-saving comfort and support in the midst of tragedy and trauma.

Our foundation continues to reach out to First Responders and Emergency Service leaders to survey their needs, and to find out where we can help fill in the gaps. 

With YOUR SUPPORT, you can help us fill in the gaps of resources, supplies, trainings etc. these amazing individuals need to keep everyone safe.